Alaska is not located near the Bypassed East but we can call it Bypassed Nord West. The climate is cold because it is located close to North Pole. 3 month out of a year is dark, so that means that agriculture is limited in this period. But when 3 months of day light is present in Alaska, on some part of Alaska the agriculture is possible (Matanuska Valley, Kenai Peninsula). The primary crops are cabbage, lettuce, carrots, and potatoes. Check out the Alaska State Fair if you are visiting Alaska in the late September!
Indians were located here before merchant from Russia came. Some of them moved in the Alaska settlements. More than that, the gold rush from late 19th century brought many immigrants from different places.
This is a picture of the mountains from Matanuska Valley:

Alaska's temperature are indicated in the following image:

As I said, don't forget to visit Alaska State Fair.

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